Superintendent's 2021 Back-to-School Plan Presentation
Superintendent's Back-to-School Communication on August 23rd, 2021
Superintendent's Summer Communication to Families
The Qualtrics “Daily Symptom Tracker” Information for TPS Parents/Caregivers
TPS District-wide Weekly Communication – June 24th, 2021
Year-end messages, Graduations, Summer Details and much more!
TPS District-wide Proposed Restart Plan/Phase II Programming
TPS District-wide Weekly Communication – June 18th, 2021
Senior Graduation, Summer Details and much more!
TPS District-wide Weekly Communication – June 11th, 2021
Senior Graduation Details and much more!
TPS District-wide Weekly Communication – June 4th, 2021
COVID-19 Health Safety updates, Social Justice Kick Off Events and much more!
TPS District-wide Weekly Communication – May 27th 2021
COVID-19 Health Safety updates, Social Justice Kick Off Events and much more!
TPS District-wide Weekly Communication – May 21st 2021
COVID-19 Health Safety updates, Social Justice Kick Off Events and much more!
TPS District-wide Weekly Communication – May 14th, 2021
COVID-19 Health Safety updates, Summer Enhancement Programs and much more!
TPS District-wide Weekly Communication – April 30th, 2021
K-2 elementary school lunches, Summer Enhancement Programs and much more!
TPS District-wide Weekly Communication – April 23rd, 2021
School Performance Reports, K-2 elementary school lunches,
Summer Enhancement Programs and much more!
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Notification – April 13th, 2021
One case at THS. No changes to school schedules.
Updated district COVID Dashboard
Last updated Thursday, April 8th, 2021
TPS District-wide Communication – April 1st, 2021
TPS Letter to Parents: Continuity of Student Instructional Programming
Request Form to Transition from Full-Virtual to In-Person Learning
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Notification – March 29th, 2021
Two reported cases, one at Smith and one at THS.
No schedule changes at either school.
TPS District-wide Schedule Communication – March 26th, 2021
This communication pertains to the current student schedules in place for
the weeks March 29th, April 12th, and offers relevant district information.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Notification – March 26th, 2021
Two reported cases, one at Maugham and one at TMS.
No schedule changes at either school.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Notification – March 24th, 2021
Three reported cases, one at Smith and two at THS.
No schedule changes at either school.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Notification – March 23rd, 2021
Two reported cases, one at Stillman and one at TMS.
No schedule changes at either school.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Notification – March 22nd, 2021
Three reported cases, one at Maugham and three at THS.
No schedule changes at either school.
TPS District-wide Schedule Communication – March 19th, 2021
This communication pertains to the current student schedules in place for
the week March 22nd and offers relevant district information.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Notification – March 18th, 2021
One reported case at TMS. There are no schedule changes.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Notification – March 17th, 2021
Two reported cases, one at Smith and the other at THS .
Both schools will continue to operate under current schedules.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Notification – March 16th, 2021
Two reported cases at THS . THS schedule has not been affected.
TPS District-wide Communicaion on Lightspeed Systems
March 15, 2021 from Dr. Evelyn Mamman
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Notification – March 15th, 2021
Two reported cases at THS . THS schedule has not been affected.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Notification – March 8th, 2021
Six reported cases, two at Stillman, two at TMS and two at THS.
There are currently no changes to the affected schools' schedules.
TPS District-wide Proposed Restart Plan/Phase II Programming
To be voted on during BOE Meeting on March 8, 2021
TPS District Moving-Forward Phase-Programming Survey
Due March 2nd, 2021
TPS District-wide Schedule Communication – March 5th, 2021
This communication pertains to the current student schedules in place for
the week March 8th and offers relevant district information.
TPS Faculty/Staff Tenure Track – Needs Your Input
Please submit by Friday, March 5, 2021
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Notification – March 4th, 2021
Three reported cases, one at Maugham, one at Mackay and one at TMS.
There are currently no changes to the affected schools' schedules.
TPS District-wide Schedule Communication – February 26th, 2021
This communication pertains to the current student schedules in place for
the weeks of March 1st and March 8th and offers relevant district information.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Communication – February 24th, 2021
This communication pertains to two reported cases, one at THS and the other at Maugham.
There are no changes to the schools current schedule.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Communication – February 22nd, 2021
This communication pertains to five reported cases, three at THS, one at TMS and one at Stillman.
There are no changes to the schools current schedule.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Communication – February 12th, 2021
This communication pertains to two reported cases at THS.
There are no changes to THS' current schedule.
TPS District-wide Schedule Communication – February 11th, 2021
This communication pertains to the current student schedules in place for
the weeks of February 22nd and March 8th and offers relevant district information.
There will be no weekly communication during the break.
The next communication will be shared on February 26th.
Acknowledging loss for youth in the time of COVID-19:
The Changing Social Experience
New Date: Thursday, February 11th at 7 pm
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Communication – February 11th, 2021
This communication pertains to two reported cases at TMS.
There are no changes to TMS' current schedule.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Communication – February 8th, 2021
This communication pertains to two reported cases, one at TMS and the other at THS.
There are no changes to the current schedule or operations at either school.
TPS District-wide Schedule Communication – February 5th, 2021
This communication pertains to the current student schedules in place
for the weeks of February 8th and February 22nd and offers relevant district information.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Communication – February 5th, 2021
This communication pertains to five reported cases, two at Stillman and three at THS.
There are no changes to the current schedule or operations at either school.
TPS District-wide Schedule Communication – January 29th 2021
This communication pertains to the current student schedules in place
for the weeks of February 1st and February 8th and offers relevant district information.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Communication – January 27th, 2021
This communication pertains to reported cases at Mackay and TMS.
There are no changes to the current schedule or operations at either school.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Communication – January 25th, 2021
This communication pertains to reported cases at Maugham, Smith, TMS, and THS.
There are no changes to the current schedule or operations at either school.
For details on impacts to affected classes, please click and review the documentation.
TPS District-wide Schedule Communication – January 22nd, 2021
This communication pertains to the current student schedules in place for
the weeks of January 25h and February 1st and offers relevant district information.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Communication – January 19th, 2021
This communication pertains to reported cases at TMS, THS and Stillman.
There are no changes to the current schedule or operations at TMS and THS.
For Stillman Elementary, please review the document above.
TPS District-wide Schedule Communication – January 15th, 2021
This communication pertains to the current student schedules in place for
the weeks of January 18th and 25th and offers relevant district information.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Communication – January 15th, 2021
This communication pertains to reported cases at Mackay
There are no changes to the current schedule or operations at Mackay.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Communication – January 14th, 2021
This communication pertains to reported cases at THS.
There are no changes to the current schedule or operations at THS.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Communication – January 12th, 2021
This communication pertains to reported cases at Stillman
There are no changes to the current schedule or operations at Stillman.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Communication – January 11th, 2021
This communication pertains to reported cases at Mackay and Maugham.
There are no changes to the current schedule or operations at either location.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Communication – January 7th, 2021
This communication pertains to reported cases at THS
There are no changes to the current schedule at THS.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Communication – January 6th, 2021
This communication pertains to reported cases at THS
There are no changes to the current schedule at THS.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Communication – January 4th, 2021
This communication pertains to reported cases at Smith and TMS
At this time, there are no changes to the current schedule at either school.
TPS Disctrict's Learning Format Planning Survey
for the 2nd half of the 2020 - 2021 school year
To be completed by parents, students and staff
by midnight January 24th, 2021
Support the district in gathering information to aid decision-making
and planning the remainder of the year.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Communication – December 30, 2020
This communication pertains to reported cases within the TPS district.
At this time, there are no changes to the current schedule at either schools.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Communication – December 23, 2020
This communication pertains to a reported case at Stillman and THS
At this time, there are no changes to the current schedule at either schools.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Communication – December 22, 2020
This communication pertains to a reported case at THS.
There are no changes to the current schedule at THS.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Communication – December 21, 2020
This communication pertains to a reported case at Maugham and THS
At this time, there are no changes to the current schedule at either schools.
Winter Mini-Camps for grades K - 6
An Adult’s Guide to Understanding Grief and Loss
for Youth in the Time of COVID-19
Presented by CarePlus district-wide. Tuesday, December 15th.
All families are encouraged to join.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Communication – December 15, 2020
This communication pertains to a reported case at Smith School.
At this time, there are no changes to the current schedule at Smith School.
Additionally, Mackay School will reopen tomorrow following a two-day closure.
Important Notification on December 15, 2020
regading inclement weather on Wednesday & Thursday
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Communication – December 14, 2020
This communication pertains to five reported cases since the weekend.
Two cases were reported at THS. Three cases were reported at Maugham School.
Both Maugham and THS will continue operations under the current schedule.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Communication – December 13, 2020
This communication pertains to reported cases at Mackay.
Mackay School will operate in full virtual fashion at least through Tuesday, December 15th.
TPS District-wide General Communication – December 11, 2020
This communication pertains pertains to the current student schedules in place
for the weeks of December 14th and 21st and relevant district information.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Notification – December 11, 2020
This communication pertains to reported a case at THS.
No schedule changes at THS.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Notification – December 10, 2020
This communication pertains to reported a case at Mackay.
No schedule changes at TPS schools.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Nofication – December 9, 2020
This communication pertains to reported a case at TMS
No schedule changes at TPS schools.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Notification – December 8, 2020
This communication pertains to reported cases, one at Stillman and two at TMS
No schedule changes at TPS schools.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Notification – December 7, 2020
This communication pertains to cases at Stillman and THS
No schedule changes at either school.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Notification – December 3, 2020
This communication pertains to cases at BOE Central Office
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Notification – December 1, 2020
This communication pertains to reported cases at THS.
THS will continue with the current operations as scheduled.
TPS District-wide Communication – November 25, 2020
This communication pertains to COVID-19 cases at Mackay and TMS.
There are no changes to the schedule at Mackay School or at TMS.
TPS District-wide Communication – November 23, 2020
This communication pertains Updated COVID-related Info and Processes
TPS District-wide Communication – November 23, 2020
This communication pertains to COVID-19 cases at Stillman and TMS.
Both schools remain in current operations/schedules.
TPS District-wide Communication – November 20, 2020
This communication pertains to student schedules for
the weeks of November 23rd and November 30th and
offers some relevant district information.
TPS District-wide Communication – November 13, 2020
This communication pertains to student schedules for
the weeks of November 16 and November 23
and provides reminders and updates relevant to our schools.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Communication – November 9, 2020
This communication pertains to cases at THS
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Communication – November 2, 2020
This communication pertains to cases at
the Central Office, THS and Stillman Elementary
TPS District-wide Communication – October 30, 2020
This communication pertains to student schedules for the weeks of November 2 and November 9
and provides reminders and updates relevant to our schools
TPS District-wide Communication – October 16, 2020
This communication pertains to student schedules for the weeks of October 19 and October 26
and provides reminders and updates relevant to our schools.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Communication – October 15, 2020
This communication pertains to confirmed cases at Maugham Elementary.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Communication – October 14, 2020
This communication pertains to a confirmed case at Mackay Elementary.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Communication – October 14, 2020
This communication pertains to updates on continued updates at TMS.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Communication – October 13, 2020
This communication pertains to updates on cases at TMS.
TPS District-wide Communication – October 9, 2020
This communication pertains to student schedules for the weeks of October 12 and October 19
and provides reminders and updates relevant to our schools.
TPS District-wide COVID-19 Communication – October 6, 2020
This communication pertains to two individual positive COVID-19 cases at TMS.
Both cases have been investigated and there was no close contact with general school population.
TMS continues with hybrid in-person schedule.
TPS District-wide Communucation – October 2, 2020
This communication pertains to student schedules for the weeks of October 5 and October 12
and provides reminders and updates relevant to our schools.
Student schedules for the weeks of September 28 and October 5
Reminders and updates relevant to our schools
Student Schedules for Weeks of Sept 21 and Sept 28
TPS Transitioning from Full Virtual to Hybrid Model
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, March 20
- Friday, March 21
- Wednesday, March 26
- Thursday, March 27
- Monday, April 14
Ways to Help!